Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Return Of The All Seeing Eye

According to the Miriam-Webster online dictionary, augur means:

Pronunciation: ô'gәr
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin augEre
1 : an official diviner of ancient Rome
2 : one held to foretell events by omens

I prefer definition #2 myself. But I'm not here to toot my own horn (am I?). The fact is that I chose this title because I firmly believe as a student of history and anthropology (at the University of North Texas) that the America in which we live today, the America under the tyranny of Bush/Cheney and their neo-con cronies is the modern day Roman Empire. 'Nuff said.

Welcome, my fellow stoners, to the third incarnation of "The Augur." An online resource for the truth in the wake of an America gone completely mad. How in just thirty years could we go from the end of the Vietnam War to a War In Iraq which in almost every essential way resembles exactly the chaos of the tragedy in Southeast Asia, is just one of the questions we'll explore. We'll also explore the neo-con agenda of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the evil bastards running our government. On the lighter side we'll talk about pop culture, music and the film industry. I gotta a lot of shit to say, stoners.

For those of you who have patiently kept up with the various incarnations of "The Augur," since it first started reporting reality to you over two years ago on our home site for Brickyard Hill Inc. + Frustrated Monkey Films, Ltd. I hope you'll keep up with us and enjoy this temporary home. You'll be able to add your comments to the ramblings and eccentricities of the Stoners on the Hill.


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